Welfare in College

Welfare In College

What to do in an emergency

College Porters Office

Phone Number: 01223 334200

In the case of an emergency in or near College, you should always contact the Porters for assistance. The Porters will contact the emergency services on your behalf, and are trained first aiders. When the emergency services arrive at college, they will always ask the porters to direct them to the site.

UK Emergency Services Telephone Number 

Number: 999

Outside college, you should call the national emergency services telephone number for assistance.

Table Of Contents

MCR Welfare Team

Welfare Officer Email: welfare@emmamcr.org.uk

Women’s Officer Email: womens-officer@emmamcr.org.uk

LGBT+ Rep Email: lgbt-plus@emmamcr.org.uk

A variety of issues fall into the category of ‘welfare’: finance, health, disability, child care, academic problems, sexual harassment, racism, safety, accommodation, parking your car, personal problems, overseas students, career decisions and grants. The MCR Welfare Officer is responsible for helping out graduates with these issues. Their main role is to act as a representative for Emmanuel graduates in college matters such as accommodation and safety, but they are also the person to contact if you need advice on how to approach the University about welfare issues. The Welfare Officer receives information from CUSU (the Cambridge University Students’ Union), the Graduate Union and the NUS (National Union of Students), and is present at meetings where Cambridge Students’ welfare is on the agenda.

The MCR Women’s Officer is responsible for the well-being of all individuals in the MCR, providing support and information about an array of personal issues, but with a particular focus on those issues concerning our graduate women. The Women’s Officer provides our anonymous pregnancy test service, attends fortnightly Women’s Council meetings (refer to www-womens.cusu.cam.ac.uk) and receives and distributes information about sexual health, pregnancy, domestic violence, eating disorders, breast cancer, rape, child care and events for women in Cambridge. Leaflets, posters and other information are placed on the notice boards in Front Court and in the ‘Welfare Box’ in the MCR. The Women’s Officer is there to ensure the rights of women in the Emmanuel MCR and can be consulted if students have issues they would like to be raised within college or at CUSU meetings.

College Counsellor: Tim Ellis

Tim Ellis is able to offer confidential & secure meetings to explore any concerns & difficulties you may be experiencing, and will help to identify the best options for moving forward. He is available for appointments in the Counselling Rooms in 5 St Andrew's Street, Rooms 10 &11.

Email: counsellor@emma.cam.ac.uk

College Nurse: Diana Lloyd

All graduates must register with a doctor in Cambridge. However, for minor health problems, the college has a sick bay located at the base of E Staircase. Diana Lloyd gives medical & mental health advice and undertakes minor treatment. The College Health Centre is open on Mondays 1200-1500, and Tuesday, Thursday & Friday afternoons 1630-1830. Any updates to the times of regular surgeries will be posted in the Porters’ Lodge.

Email: nurse@emma.cam.ac.uk

Phone: 01223 334296

Graduate Tutors

The Graduate Tutors can be contacted with college, personal or academic problems.

Advisors to BAME & Women Students

Dr Peace Atakpa, Dr Saite Lu, & Dr Syamala Roberts and Dr Devon Curtis

College Tutorial Office

For everyday queries and problems about college and academic matters, the tutorial office at the bottom of B staircase should be your first port of call. They are open from 10 am – 12 pm and 2 – 4 pm. The tutorial secretary responsible for graduates is Helen Waterson (tutorial-office@emma.cam.ac.uk).

Sources of information