International Students
What resources are there for me?
Emma has a widely diverse and enriched international community, and aims to support them, logistically, financially, and socially. Here are some places of support for you as an Emma international postgrad:
Your support at Emma:
University of Cambridge - International Student Office :
Provide support to students coming to study from outside the UK, facilitate student mobility opportunities and administer some specific international funding awards.
Location: In the Student Services Centre @ New Museum Site, Bene't St, Cambridge CB2 3PT
Language funding:
Among the several avenues of financial support offered at Emma, one is a great initiative that provides subsidies for students who take the Cambridge University Language Programme (CULP) Courses! Please look here for more information.
How can I be involved with the international community on campus?
Events at Emma:
Please remain on the lookout in your email and Whatsapp groupchat about the events currently coming up. We plan to have international snack days several times a term, an international potluck in the spring, among others. If you have ideas for an event you would like to take place, please reach out to
Organizations on campus:
Please refer to this site for a list of all the societies on campus! Some are more active than others, but to name a few, there are:
Austrian Society
Colombian Society
Vietnamese Society of Cambridge
Some links are broken, but if you enter them on Google, most have social media that should appear. If you're having a hard time locating a group, please reach out to the international officer at Emma ( and we'll try our best to find them.
More questions? Reach out!
Please reach out to the international officer with any other questions you have, at