List of useful phone numbers
Table of content
Emergency numbers
Non-emergency crime reporting
Rape and sexual abuse
Alcohol and drugs
Sexual health
Still unsure of where to go?
UK emergency services: 999
Emmanuel College Porters’ Lodge: 01223 334200
In an emergency it is useful to contact the Porters so that they can help and are aware of what’s going on. In Cambridge, you can go into any college’s Porters’ Lodge to ask for help.
Mental Health Crisis support: 111 Option 2
A 24 hour First Response service for mental health crises.
Samaritans: 116123
Emotional support for anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide.
Non-emergency police: 101
Parkside Police Station is the nearest station to college. It is at 39 Parkside and is open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.
The following are the available medical services in Cambridge – from emergency services to phone-based advice.
Accident and Emergency
Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Hills Road
Urgent Care
There are no walk-in centres in the Cambridge Area, but out-of-hours (6.30pm-8.30am weekdays, 24h at weekends) GP services are available at Addenbrooke’s – to access an appointment you need to call NHS 111.
All students are strongly advised to register with a Cambridge GP. There are many GP practices in Cambridge – a list can be found here, along with information about accessing healthcare as an international student:
Can provide advice on minor illnesses and over-the-counter medicines. May be able to provide emergency contraception without a prescription (see below).
NHS 111
Phone: 111
Depending on your symptoms, can provide help ranging from self-care advice to appointments for out-of-hours GP.
The University recommends that every student registers with a dentist (NHS dentists are much cheaper than private dentists, but not free), as this makes it easier to access emergency care. NHS 111 can be used to find out-of-hours dental care.
College counsellor:
Tim Ellis is able to offer confidential & secure meetings to explore any concerns & difficulties you may be experiencing, and will help to identify the best options for moving forward. He is available for appointments in the Counselling Rooms in 5 St Andrew's Street, Rooms 10 &11.
University Counselling Service
2/3 Bene’t Place, Lensfield Road
01223 332865
Free confidential counselling service for students. Useful leaflets available from the offices or on the website. To arrange an appointment, fill in the online form or collect one from the offices.
01223 744444
Confidential night-time support service open every night 7pm-7am during term time. Online messaging service, anonymous email or Skype services also available.
Centre 33
33 Clarendon Street, Cambridge
0333 4141809
A drop-in centre offering support for mental health problems, sexual health, finance etc. Drop in Monday-Wednesday 10am-5pm, Friday and Saturday 10am-1.30pm. Booked counselling appointments are available.
University Sexual Assault and Harassment Advisor
Specialist support for students who have been raped, sexually assaulted, or harassed, recently or in the past. Involves filling in an online form.
Cambridge Rape Crisis
Helpline 01223 245888 open Wednesday and Thursday 7pm-9.30pm, Sunday 10am-12.30pm
Offers support to women and girls who have experienced rape, childhood sexual abuse or any other form of sexual violence.
The Elms Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)
0800 1935434
Free support and practical help to anyone in Cambridgeshire who has experienced sexual violence or sexual abuse
Men’s Advice Line
0808 8010327 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
Confidential helpline for men experiencing domestic violence and abuse
Change Grow Live Cambridgeshire
351 Mill Road, Cambridge
0300 555 0101
Free and confidential drug and alcohol service for adults (including offenders), family members, carers and affected others.
Talk to FRANK
0300 1236600
Text 82111
Confidential advice about drugs
Emergency Contraception
You can obtain a prescription for the emergency contraceptive pill from your GP or from the Lime Tree Clinic (below). Certain pharmacies will provide it for free without a prescription, provided that you are registered with a Cambridge GP (above), otherwise pills cost around £25. The pharmacies participating in this scheme are:
Boots, Newmarket Road
Boots, Cherry Hinton Road
Boots, Grafton Centre
Boots, Petty Cury
Kays Chemist, Wulfstan Way
Lloyds, Arbury Court
Lloyds, Trumpington Street
Co-operative, Barnwell Road
Superdrug, Fitzroy Street
Superdrug, Sidney Street
Lime Tree Clinic
0300 300 3030
Brookfields Hospital, 351 Mill Road
Monday-Thursday 8.50am-7.30pm, Friday 8.50am-4.30pm, Saturday 9am-12pm
The Lime Tree Clinic offers the following services:
Chlamydia testing
Emergency contraception
HIV testing
STI testing
Support and advice
There is a walk-in sexual health and contraception clinic for under-24s on Monday afternoons.
Centre 33
33 Clarendon Street
0333 4141809
Condoms, chlamydia testing, gonorrhoea testing, pregancy testing. Drop in Monday-Wednesday 10am-5pm, Friday and Saturday 10am-1.30pm.
The Student Advice Service offers free, confidential and independent support to all Cambridge University students. Monday-Friday 9am-5pm, all year round.
17 Mill Lane
01223 746999