Welcome to Emma MCR!
What is the MCR?
The Middle Combination Room (MCR) at Emmanuel College is the postgraduate student body, comprising those pursuing Master's degrees, PhDs, clinical courses, and PGCEs, as well as mature undergraduates. MCR members are automatically part of the Emmanuel College Students' Union (ECSU) as well as the Cambridge University Students' Union (SU) and Graduate Union. The MCR has its own dedicated new room in the Furness Lodge, open 24/7, with computers, TV, kitchenette, and recreational amenities. This room serves as a hub and resource for Emmanuel's postgraduate students.
What is the MCR Committee?
Elected by members of the MCR, the Committee aims to:
represent graduate students' interests within Emmanuel and the University
provide amenities and events for members
support members' education
allocate funds on their behalf
Key functions include organizing (A) social activities, such as MCR-specific formals, (B) advocating for graduate facilities and resources, and (C) participating in college and university committees. The MCR strives to build community and enhance the graduate student experience at Emmanuel.