International Students

What resources are there for me?

Emma has a widely diverse and enriched international community, and aims to support them, logistically, financially, and socially. Here are some places of support for you as an Emma international postgrad: 

Your support at Emma

University of Cambridge - International Student Office

Provide support to students coming to study from outside the UK, facilitate student mobility opportunities and administer some specific international funding awards. 

Language funding

Among the several avenues of financial support offered at Emma, one is a great initiative that provides subsidies for students who take the Cambridge University Language Programme (CULP) Courses! Please look here for more information.

How can I be involved with the international community on campus?

Events at Emma:

Please remain on the lookout in your email and Whatsapp groupchat about the events currently coming up. We plan to have international snack days several times a term, an international potluck in the spring, among others. If you have ideas for an event you would like to take place, please reach out to

Organizations on campus:

Please refer to this site for a list of all the societies on campus! Some are more active than others, but to name a few, there are:

Some links are broken, but if you enter them on Google, most have social media that should appear. If you're having a hard time locating a group, please reach out to the international officer at Emma ( and we'll try our best to find them.

More questions? Reach out!

Please reach out to the international officer with any other questions you have, at